Sunday, 1 February 2015

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Older updates from Facebook

From Facebook 10:16 10/12/2014.
Sue Brearley Does anyone have an update on Seth?
  • Rad Wagon Yes, was hoping to get to a fuller message a bit later today rather than a drip-drip at the moment.
  • Piete Brooks As I understand it ... He's much improved compared to when he was first admitted. He's been in a medically induced coma while they address problems with his high intracranial pressure, which they seem to have under control. They're planning to pin his fibula. Alice hoped to be at Stores
  • Sophie Meekings If you're friends with Alice on Facebook she is mainly posting updates on her profile page. The latest was that Seth is being kept sedated until the weekend so that he is rested and hopefully will be able to have a few visitors at the weekend. The hospital is in Cambridge so people can visit from Stores if everything goes OK (though he can only have two visitors at a time). Like Piete said, if nothing goes wrong Alice is also hoping to be at Stores, though probably only for a bit.

From Facebook 09:29 8/12/2014.
If you would like to send Seth Dixon get well cards or shiny things the address is:
Level 3
Addenbrookes Hospital
Hills Rd
Alice said he will be there for the next week or two at least, but hopefully will be awake and may be able to see a few visitors this weekend if anyone wants to pop across from Haddenham.

If someone could cross-post this on the FSC egroup that would be ace, as for some reason I don't seem to be able to...

From Facebook 18:09 9/12/2014.
Seth is being left sedated so he is rested ready for the Stores weekend to being more special visitors near. That's the plan if he behaves & doesn't go all drama Queen again with the brain pressure numbers. His teacher will be pleased to know he has generally been really good with his numbers whilst here.

From Facebook 23:33 8/12/2014.
Detailed update alert!
To clarify...Seth got knocked down crossing the road outside the house from popping to the post. He is in intensive care at Addenbrookes hospital, Cambridge, stable & still sedated for few more days.

Will know more about how serious the injury is when he wakes, but no certainties.The earliest he will be woken is midweek. He has not suffered any further brain damage than the internal bruising at the time of the accident, even though his blood pressure rose & they had to drain fluid from his brain. He will live.

We do not know if he stopped breathing for shirt time when he was being given CPR, as was short time I lost track of his pulse & there was lots of bleeding in his mouth which nay have effected the airway. He has a broken right thigh & a number of smaller injuries that have been sutured/ should heal. The results of his MRI scan are there is something a bit unusual near the top of the spine, but they believe this will not cause any permanent physical movement problems. However they cannot be 100% sure of what effect it will have until he is woken. All precautions have been taken with his spine though.

His brothers are okay, Oli visiting him today & Jake enjoying playing board games with his Uncle Jim after school. His father was allowed to see him, but luckily Seth is not awake to see this stranger. I am loving the messages, thoughts, prayers, help but may need more hugs & am shattered. Even with just leg he'd be here for several weeks.

For anyone who would like to know the address fir post is PICU, Level 3, to Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 0QQ. Good night.

From Facebook 18:39 8/12/2014.
Just got grapes, chocs, tea, smiles & hugs on top of all the messages of support., friends who visit till 2 in the morning or stay overnight to travel to work at 6am. Amazing. .thank you tho all helps x

From Facebook 19:16 6/12/2014.
Seth remains stable. He is still under sedation to rest & heal as best he can. Won't know extent brain injury till wakes up, but everything else seems fixable. He has broken left thigh, his tongue where he bit it has been sutured & across his chin. Thank you for all your messages. Will give regular updates on my status, as won't be able to personally everyone. Visitors are welcome.x

From Facebook 20:11 5/12/2014.
Seth is stable & all signs are good. He was hit by car. Seems he didn't look crossing back over from post box They say that although he has some bruising inside his head there are no signs at the moment of more serious damage to the brain. His lungs have some damage but think will heal. He has a broken thigh & bad cut to the tongue. Please keep him in your thoughts.

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