Sunday, 1 February 2015

Status Updates

Seth got knocked down crossing the road outside the house from popping to the post on Friday 5th. He was taken t intensive care at Addenbrooke's hospital, Cambridge.

He was kept in an induced coma for a week before they started to withdraw medicines.

Seth had a leg operation to pin his fibula on the 16th.

On the 17th they took away the muscle relaxants & sedation, and he moved his eyes, toes & fingers a little bit.

On the evening of the 18th, Seth started to breathe by himself.

FROM ALICE 20/12/2014:
On Friday 19th Seth, our 'adorable' 'smiler' passed away peacefully & painlessly in his sleep. I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support during this difficult time & continuing to celebrate his life & the happiness he spread in his embracing of it. It is comforting to know Aunty Lorraine is with him. As someone wrote to me let him be on our songs, campfires & starry black nights. May his light shine on in our hearts.

FROM ALICE 03/01/2015:
Almost rendered speechless at the wonderful gifts of family (blood, extended ties & FSC), friends, parishes & community. When I say gifts I mean not only the presents, hampers, flowers, but the letters, cards, artwork, messages, words, hugs & time. I wish I had time to thank everyone personally, but every single message has been read & appreciated.

These have helped us get through last few weeks. Personally I have managed to get through, staying emotionally strong & laughed/ staved off the hard stuff in front of boys, being caught with hugs when needed to manage from those who know me well to see the signs. The boys really appreciated everything & kept mentioning how wonderful it was. Never had so many presents & we've all been thoroughly spoiled, but not only I, the boys too are recognising this as one of the many ways people are demonstrating their love & care for all of us.

We are frankly overwhelmed to see how much people care. Thank you everyone for being amazing these last few weeks, for making Christmas happen for us.

This next weeks return to normal life when our normal is forever changed & I also begin on practicalities will probably make it all more real, but knowing I will end it with a weekend with friends working on preparing for future camps at our camp stores is a comfort.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. I will be asking for bright colours & welcoming Super heroes as Seth would have wanted. I am hoping to be able to make it a Friday afternoon to involve the school children, but mean you won't all be having to rush to work & be towards end of the month as hols haven't given time to plan much.

Seth will be cremated & so after the main service a small number of us will go to the crematorium. I will probably then have a children's party time organised at the where the floor space will be given over to them before the main celebration at another venue. I want everyone to feel involved so invite contributions & ideas.

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